Artificial Bouquet of 7 Austin Roses and Cyclamen Apple Flowers

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7.90  Lei
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Artificial Bouquet of 7 Austin Roses and Cyclamen Apple Flowers

The bouquet is made up of 4 strands of Austin roses with a diameter of 5-6cm and 3 strands of apple flowers with a diameter of 4.5cm

The total height of the bouquet is 30cm.

The artificial bouquet of 7 strands of Austin roses and apple blossoms is a refined expression of elegance and charm in the world of artificial flowers. This composition brings together two distinct types of flowers, Austin roses and apple blossoms, to create a spectacular and special bouquet.

Each Austin rose is rendered with stunning precision, capturing in detail the shape and rich petals of this rose variety. They exude a romantic and classic beauty, bringing a touch of elegance and sophistication to the bouquet. Apple blossoms complete the arrangement with a touch of freshness and subtlety, adding a delicate contrast and a rustic and natural air.

This artificial bouquet of Austin roses and apple blossoms is ideal for a variety of events and settings, including weddings, christenings, or even decorating indoor spaces. It can be used as a wedding bouquet, floral arrangement for festive tables or to bring a touch of freshness and beauty to the home decor.

One of the major advantages of this artificial bouquet is its durability and ease of maintenance. It doesn't require water or special care and will always look fresh and attractive without the need for extra effort. Thus, it is a practical and convenient option for those who want to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the care of their maintenance.

With the artificial bouquet of 7 strands of Austin roses and apple flowers, you can add a touch of elegance and charm to any space or event, whether it's a romantic wedding or home decoration. It is a wonderful choice for those who appreciate the beauty of artificial flowers and their versatility in decoration.

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